
© Fifa

The Israeli

Real-Fourth dimension News Tuesday reported a 500% increase in sudden cardiac and unexplained deaths amidst FIFA players in 2021.

Since December, 183 professional person athletes and coaches take of a sudden collapsed, with 108 dead.

A Real-Time News investigation revealed that well-nigh of the athletes were males, with only 15 females, and the vast majority being 17-40 years of age. Only 21 are older (5 anile 42-45, six aged 46-49, seven aged 51-54, and 3 others aged 60-64). 23 were teenagers, aged 12-17, of whom 16 died.

The investigation revealed in over 80 of the cases, such as football game stars Sergio Aguero and Christian Eriksen, the athletes collapsed while playing, racing, or training, or immediately after. Scientific literature calls the phenomenon of athletes collapsing for reasons unrelated to injury rare.

In most cases, the crusade of the plummet was heart-related , including myocarditis, pericarditis, centre attacks, or cardiac arrest, with the 2nd nearly prevalent crusade being clotting events.

Real-Time News emphasized that: "the list we have is even longer, but for the sake of caution, dozens of cases were removed, for which we did not have full details, so that only cases that were reported in detail were included."

They continued: "in addition, cases were removed in which evidence of previous hazard factors was mentioned, such as cardiac disease or diabetes."

To go a better picture of the data compared to previous years, Real-Fourth dimension News simply looked at data relating to deaths amidst athletes registered with FIFA, and compared the data regarding the number of sudden cardiac death (SCD)/sudden unexplained expiry (SUD) among athletes in previous years, to the number of cases in 2021.

To find out how many deaths actually occurred during the last two decades amongst FIFA players (2001-2020), they used Wikipedia - "Listing of association footballers who died while playing". To know how many cases occurred in 2021, they used the list nerveless by Real-Time News that includes the cases noted in Wikipedia for 2021.

Hebrew Academy Constitute of Criminology Department of Sociology and Anthropology senior lecturer Dr. Josh Guetzkow analyzed the data and told Existent-Time News:

"An article published in the British Medical Journal shows that the run a risk of SCD is one in fifty,000, with a range from one in 30,000 to one in 80,000." He continued: "According to FIFA information, in 2000 in that location were 242,000 athletes registered in the association, and in 2006 at that place were 265,000 athletes registered. Assuming FIFA has non inverse significantly in twenty years, we tin can await most 5 deaths a twelvemonth."

According to Wikipedia, under "List of association footballers who died while playing", in 2001-2020 there was an boilerplate of four.2 deaths per yr attributed to SCD or SUD, the vast majority being SCD. In contrast, in 2021, according to Real-Time News ' listing, there were 21 cases of SCD/SUD amidst FIFA players. In other words, instead of 4 SCD/SUD deaths per yr (according to Wikipedia information), or 5 cases per year (calculated co-ordinate to the BMJ ) during 2001-2020, 21 players have died so far this year.

The list of 183 athletes who collapsed and/or died since December 2022 can be viewed here (Hebrew).